I have been thinking a lot about balance and spirituality lately..... two things I have not had time to focus on in the past few years but desperately need in my life. With the New Year come all of those same old resolutions...lose weight, exercise, stop smoking, stop eating cheesecake in bed while watching the biggest loser, organize, be more positive, be more patient, live in the moment, be present, find peace....blah, blah, blah.
I recently had a revelation....I cannot achieve any of these things without first finding balance and spirituality....I choose to define spirituality as the search for inner peace and the foundations of happiness. On my journey, I have come across the phrases "Surrender" and "Letting Go" a lot lately and find comfort and appeal in these words.
So I am "Letting Go" of those same old overwhelming resolutions and focusing on balance and spirituality.....and everything else will come.
Here's to the best year of my life...and yours too!